Monday, February 22, 2010

another factors about racism

hi guys, anything in the world must have a factors before everything can be happen!!!i repeat, MUST HAVE a factors!!!!

so, today, i just want to share with all of you about a few factor that can CREATE a spirit of RACISM...!!!

the main factor for the racism in Malaysia is EFFECT OF COLONIALISM...in Malaysia, this factor make a BIGGEST effect to all of citizen...for example, the first RULES that we must agree is  LAW OF ISOLATION...!!!!

lets look at the picture to understand what i mean from the LAW OF ISOLATION...

i think,every person outside there maybe ask themself, what the meaning of LAW OF ISOLATION..????isn't it...??let's me share with all of you...

THE LAW OF ISOLATION mean the government which will control by BRITISH try to separate the 3 BIG races in Malaysia to stay in the same village and same places with their race...

one more question was coming...!!!!!why they do like this...?????

it's very easy,the answer is ONLY ONE...!!!!!!it's only because the government of British don't want to see, all of population in here live together in a happiness and peaceful...British know, if that situation  happen, the intentions to conquer Malaya's wealth will finish at that time...!!!!!!!

so, if they want to stay  here for a long time than before, they MUST DO LIKE THIS....!!!!!it's very simple, JUST MAKE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THEM( malay, chinese and indian ) ARE IN TROUBLE AND ALWAYS NEGATIVE THINKING...!!!!!only in that strategy can make them SUCCESS...!!!and British HAD DONE  IT....!!!!!!

effect of this LAW: every RACE in this country live in the divided place...in the end, another big effect will be come, because of the spirit of races embedded inside every heart...!!!!!so  BAD...!!!!!

that you know a tragedy of 13 may 1963..???that also one from another effect from the LAW OF ISOLATION....so sad if this tragedy will be happen again in the future...I pray for GOD, HOPEFULLY NOT....!!!!!

i have another factors to publish in this blog, but not this time..=)
if all of you need and want to know another factor about the RACISM, let visit this blog again, in another time...=)

one more thing before I stop writing, don't BE A RACIST...!!!!

thank you, and see at the next post...=)

A 129838
.: will be continue :.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Hello guys, here I put some vocabulary about racism.

Anti-Semitism - Coined by Wilhelm Marr, an anti-Jewish German journalist in 1879, was used to mean "opposition to Jews." Today it refers to prejudice against Jews.

Apartheid - the system of racial segregation in South Africa

Bigotry - intolerance for the beliefs of others, particularly those of minority groups.
 Block-busting - The illegal practice of exploiting racial prejudice by inducing the sale of houses owned by whites in segregated neighborhoods at bargain prices as a result of a minority being sold a home in that neighborhood.

Civil rights - he rights of full legal, social and political equality afforded to all citizens.

Demagogue - A person who gains power through impassioned public appeals to the emotions and prejudices of a group by speaking or writing.

Disinformation - Purposely incorrect information.

Ethnocentrism - The belief that one's own ethnic, religious, or political group is superior to all others.

Genocide - (genos=people, race, kind; cide=murder) The use of deliberate, systematic measures (as killing, bodily or mental injury, unlivable conditions, prevention of births, forcible transfer of children of the group to another group) calculated to bring about the destruction of a racial, political or cultural group or to destroy the language, religion or culture of a group.

Gerrymandering - The division of voting districts to give one group an advantage over another.

Ghetto - A section of a city in which Jews were required to live surrounded by walls; has been adopted to include sections or cities predominantly inhabited by minority groups which may have socio-economic rather than physical barriers.

Holocaust - Literally, "fire that causes destruction," has been used to designate the destruction of six million Jews by the Nazis during World War II.

Insurance red-lining - The practice, illegal in many states, of setting insurance rates on the basis of a neighborhood, which is intended to discriminate against residences and businesses in "undesirable" neighborhoods.

Ku Klux Klan - An organization in the United States which utilizes propaganda and terror against African-Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other minorities to express its extremist racist and anti-Semitic views.

Lynching - The capture and killing of a person, usually by hanging, often in retaliation for a real or perceived crime, by a mob acting outside the authority of the civil justice system.

Persecution - The oppression and/or harassment of people based on their race, religion, color, national origin, or other distinguishing characteristic.

Pogrom - An organized, and often government-sponsored or condoned massacre of Jews.

Prejudice - An unfavorable opinion formed against a person or group based on a stereotype.

Propaganda - Information which is used to promote a cause or to injure or enhance the reputation of a group, individual, or position, and which may either not be factual, may "bend" the facts, or does not tell the entire story, in order to suit the purposes of the author.

Racism - A belief that one race is superior to another.

Scapegoat - A person or group who is given the blame for the mistakes or failures of others, promoted through the use of propaganda.

Skinhead - A member of a youth cult group, whose members shave their heads, and whose activities in some cases have taken the form of violence and terror directed against African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, Asians, homosexuals, and other minorities.

Stereotype - A generalized image of a person or group, which does not acknowledge individual differences and which is often prejudicial to that person or group.

Written by Nurul Atiqah Binti Mohamad

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